Kinematic MRI is a relatively new technique that demonstrates how the bone and the soft tissues of a joint interact during motion. In the case of a kinematic knee MRI, it uses a positioning device to demonstrate how the patellofemoral joint of the knee reacts when moving against resistance as stated in the article, "Functional Evaluation of Joints Using Kinematic MRI." A kinematic knee MRI is used to specifically diagnose any abnormalities with the patellar (knee cap) alignment. Because it is rarely identified on a conventional knee MRI and can be easily misdiagnosed, this MRI technique is best used for great visualization of patellar alignment of the knee joint.
Kinematic MRI, when performed in association with static MRI, demonstrates that there are greater lateral forces being exerted on the patella at a 30° to 20° range of knee flexion, particularly in individuals symptomatic for femoropatellar instability.

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