Diffusion-weighted neurography is a cutting-edge technique for visualizing postganglionic nerve roots . Diffusion-weighted neurography is a kind of diffusion-weighted body imaging and makes use of the short tau inversion recovery technique for fat suppression and free breathing to secure relatively long scanning times . It makes use of a b value of about 1000 sec/mm2, which is larger than that of conventional diffusion-weighted body imaging, although such a b value is commonly used for diffusion-weighted imaging of the brain.
Diffusion-weighted neurography clearly depicts the postganglionic brachial plexus in healthy subjects, whereas it demonstrates loss of continuity in injured nerves (. Because the brachial plexus has a complex anatomy and is sometimes difficult to distinguish from adjacent structures at conventional MR imaging, it is intriguing that nerves can be clearly differentiated from adjacent structures at diffusion-weighted neurography. Diffusion-weighted neurography can be a useful method for evaluating postganglionic brachial plexus lesions, although it will be necessary to optimize parameters for diffusion-weighted neurography and to study the clinical feasibility of this modality to determine its clinical applications.

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