What is the difference between MRI and fMRI?

Most of the images created in hospitals using MRI show structural features of the body, but it is also possible to show some information about the oxygen consumption of tissues as well – this is known as functional MRI, or fMRI for short. When the brain is working it needs a good supply of oxygen. The oxygen is carried in the blood in the form of a substance called oxyhaemaglobin. When the oxygen has been used up the remaining substance is called deoxyhaemaglobin.

Rather fortunately for brain researchers, oxyhaemaglobin and dexyhaemaglobin have different magnetic properties, so it is possible to see which parts of the brain are using more oxygen – or working harder.

And here’s a strange fact: one might think that there would then be more deoxyhaemoglobin in the regions of the brain that are working hardest but in fact the opposite is true!

The active regions of the brain need more oxygen, so the blood supply is increased and is increased by so much that there is extra oxyhaemaglobin in the active parts of the brain.

The sequences used in fMRI will pick up this extra blood supply and therefore give us a picture of the active regions of the brain. This technique is called Blood Oxygen Level Dependence, or BOLD, and is widely used by researchers such as those at the MRC, who are looking at the ways our brains carry out certain functions. Hence the lovely images of Jem’s brain solving problems better than Dallas’! .

Intravenous gadolinium contrast agent safety

The most commonly reported reactions associated with the injection of Gd-DTPA are: headache (6.5%), injection site coldness (3.6%), injection site pain or burning (2.5%), and nausea (1.9%). Recent adverse rates for Gd-DTPA are lower than this and comparable to those of Gadodiamide and Gadoteridol (1.4%-3% for headache, nausea, and dizziness; <1% for the others). The safety factor or ratio (ratio of the LD50 to the imaging dose) may be used to assess the relative acute toxicity of contrast agents. The elimination half-life for the Gd containing contrast agents range from 1.25-1.6 hours.

Gadolinium containing contrast agents usually have no effect on blood chemistries and hematologic studies except transient elevation of serum iron and bilirubin levels. These elevations peaked at 4 to 6 hours post injection and returned to baseline values in 24 to 48 hours. The mechanism of these elevations is uncertain but may be related to mild hemolysis. A 10%-11% increase in the activated partial thromboplastin time and thrombin time occurs in vitro with inhibition of platelet aggregation. The platelet aggregation inhibition is less than that seen with iodinated ionic contrast material and no bleeding problems are reported clinically. 

Deoxygenated sickle erythrocytes align perpendicular to a magnetic field in in vitro studies raising the possibility of occlusive complications in patients with sickle cell anemia. No clinical reports of this potential problem have been found 1. 

Transient and mild drop blood pressure is reported in both animals and humans. A study of 1,068 patients reports hypotension in 0.3% of the subjects and other symptoms such as syncope probably associated with hypotension in 0.8%. Most of these symptoms occur 25-85 minutes after the injection.

Reports of several episodes of severe anaphylactoid reactions after IV injection of Gd- DTPA are published. The frequency of these reactions is about 1 in 100,000 doses. Potential risk factors may include a history of asthma and significant reaction to previously administered iodinated contrast material. It is suggested that the threshold for injecting Gd be raised, in those patients, based on an individual risk/benefit ratio. Prophylactic pharmacotherapy with antihistamines and corticosteriods, such as Greenberger's protocol, is suggested for high risk patients prior to contrast injections 

What are the contraindications for MRI IV contrast?

There are two main contraindications for the administration of gadolinium IV contrast: risk of nephrogenic systemic fibrosis (NSF) and allergy to gadolinium. To prevent NSF current Department of Radiology policy sets a cut off of eGFR > 30 ml/min/1.73m2 or > 40 ml/min/1.73m2 for severe liver disease (http://radiology.yale.edu/patientcare/policies/gadolinium.aspx). The attending ER Radiologist and the referring clinician may allow for patients with eGFR greater than those thresholds to receive intravenous gadolinium when the risks are felt to be outweighed by the benefits and there is a subsequent completed attending nephrology/hepatology consult prior to ordering the study. Anaphylactoid reactions to IV gadolinium are thought to be much less common than reactions to IV iodinated contrast. Nevertheless, allergic reactions do occur, and patients at risk should be premedicated according to Department of Radiology policy (http://radiology.yale.edu/patientcare/policies/premedication.aspx).

Pubic Bone MRI Protocol

 General Indications- athletic pubalgia, sports hernia

            General MRI
            Cor STIR
            Cor T1
            Ax T2 Fat Sat
            Ax Oblique T2 Fat Sat
            Ax Oblique PD
            Sag T2 Fat Sat

MRI Brianstem planning referrel line





IAC Routine MRI Protocol

    Axial T1 pre posterior fossa 18 FOV 3 x .3
    Axial FIESTA
    Axial T2 high res to match T1 if FIESTA not available
    Axial T1 post gadolinium with fat sat to match pre T1 coverage
    Coronal T1 post IAC 3 x .3 18 FOV
    Axial T2 Brain
    Axial T1 post Brain
    Axial FLAIR Brain
    Axial DWI Brain
        *if noncontrast IAC cut post axial T1 fat sat and add coronal thin T2 IAC if no FIESTA. 
        Run all other sequences.

Neuro Orbits and Brain double study MRI Protocol

Neuro Orbits and Brain double study (for non-ENT cases)
    Coronal T1 4x1 16 FOV from behind sella through globe
    Coronal STIR to match thickness and spacing
    Coronal T1 Post gadolinium with Fat Suppression to match thickness and spacing
    Axial T1 Post gadolinium Fat Sat 3 x .3 orbits and sella 18 FOV
    Axial T1 post brain
    Axial T2 brain
    Axial DWI
    Axial FLAIR
    Sagittal FLAIR
    Sagittal T1 Post

Neuro Orbit MRI Protocol

Neuro Orbit (or Cavernous Sinus) (ie: for non-ENT cases)
    Coronal T1 4x1 16 FOV from behind sella through globe
    Coronal STIR to match thickness and spacing
    Coronal T1 Post gadolinium with Fat Suppression to match thickness and spacing
    Axial T1 Post gadolinium Fat Sat 3 x 0.3 orbits and sella 18 FOV
    Axial T1 post brain
    Axial T2 brain
    Axial DWI
        *If noncontrast orbit - Cut coronal post T1 orbit.  Add Axial T2 orbit 3x .3.  
        Do axial T1 orbit pre without fat suppression.  Run all other sequences.

Metal-related artifacts in instrumented spine. Techniques for reducing artifacts in MRI

Artifacts on MRI images obtained in patients with metallic implants are produced by the large differences between the magnetic properties of human tissues and those of the implanted metals [14]. The artifacts are more marked when the differences in magnetic susceptibilities between the metallic object and the surrounding matter are substantial, creating local magnetic field inhomogeneities, altering the phase and frequency of local spins. Thus, the spins are subsequently mapped to an erroneous location within the image. The results are distortion of the shape of the metallic object along the axes of frequency encoding and section selection, and loss of signal within the metallic object. A rim of high signal intensity appears around the metallic object as a result of the mismapping of a disproportionate number of spins to that location [15, 16].

Factors that influence the production of metal-related artifacts at MRI imaging include the composition, size, and orientation of the metallic object with regard to the direction of the external magnetic field; the type of pulse sequences applied; and the sequence parameters, including magnetic field strength, voxel size (determined by field of view, image matrix, and section thickness), and echo train length. To demonstrate these factors, we performed MRI imaging in a phantom and a patient. Reduction of artifacts can be made paying attention to patient positioning, choosing adequate imaging parameters and selecting different pulse sequences.

Composition, size, and orientation
Titanium implants are non-ferromagnetic and produce much less severe artifacts than do ferromagnetic implants made of stainless steel [4, 16–19]. In addition, the artifact size is affected by the implant size with larger implants producing more obtrusive artifacts [18, 19].

When the direction of the main magnetic field (z axis of the scanner) is aligned parallel with the longitudinal axis of the hardware device, there is a significant relative reduction in artifact [4, 16, 18–21]. The limitations in patient positioning resulting from restrictive MRI scanner bore diameters can be overcome in magnets with an “open” configuration.

Pulse sequence selection

MRI degradation caused by metal hardware is primarily the result of a series of MRI artifacts produced by the ferromagnetic properties of the metallic device [22]). These artifacts include intravoxel dephasing, diffusion-related signal loss, slice thickness variation, misregistration artifacts, and inhomogeneous or paradoxical tissue-selective signal suppression with spectral (frequency-selective) fat-saturation techniques. The type and severity of metal-related artifacts are linked to the pulse sequence and operator selection of individual sequence parameters. Some MRI sequences are more susceptible to artifacts than others.

Gradient recalled echo (GRE) sequences are extremely sensitive to the presence of metal . Intravoxel dephasing is the predominant cause of signal loss on GRE imaging [23], resulting in a dark or black area (signal loss) around the metal on the processed images. Shortening the MRI parameter echo time (TE) and decreasing voxel size can be used to reduce the degree of intravoxel dephasing seen on GRE acquisition .

Other MRI sequences are less susceptible to intravoxel dephasing. Spin-echo (SE) sequences use refocusing 180° radiofrequency pulses that correct for static/fixed magnetic field inhomogeneities, resulting in a dramatic reduction in intravoxel dephasing signal loss . Misregistration artifacts in the vicinity of a metallic implant cause distinctive signal alterations, including signal voids and loss and signal increases resulting in hypointense and hyperintense signal artifacts around the implanted metal. Misregistration is a major source of metal-related signal artifacts on SE and FSE imaging sequences. The magnitude of local misregistration artifact is also inversely proportional to the frequency encoding (readout) gradient strength used in the imaging acquisition [25]. Misregistration artifacts occur only in the frequency encoding direction and are not seen in the phase encoding direction [4, 16, 26–28]. Orientation of the frequency and phase encoding gradients can be selected such that misregistration artifacts are directed away from areas of anticipated clinical diagnostic interest. The magnitude of misregistration artifact is inversely proportional to frequency encoding gradient strength, and increasing the frequency encoding gradient strength also may decrease these artifacts. This can be achieved practically on MRI acquisitions by widening or increasing the receiver bandwidth.

The presence of large magnetic field inhomogeneities adjacent to ferromagnetic materials also results in increased dephasing per unit distance of travel in randomly diffusing spinning protons. This artifact determines signal loss, represented as a dark or black region around the orthopedic hardware on the final images. This diffusion-related signal loss is most pronounced on long TE (T2-weighted) acquisition sequences and, in contrast to intravoxel dephasing signal loss, is not recoverable with an 180° refocusing pulse and affects GRE, SE, and FSE sequences [23, 24]. FSE imaging sequences employ multiple sequential refocusing 180° pulses in acquiring multiple lines of information (K-space data) within a single repetition time (TR): it refocuses spins at a faster interval than with conventional spin echo imaging, causing a small reduction in diffusion-related signal loss. This effect may be increased further, resulting in artifact reduction, with the use of smaller interecho spacing [16, 29, 30]. FSE also reduces artifact arising from malrotation [31], which is a relatively small contributor to signal loss around metal.

Frequency-selective fat saturation relies on the different resonance frequencies of hydrogen protons within water and fat. Fat signal suppression is achieved with the application of a narrow-bandwidth radiofrequency pulse limited to the spectral frequency of fat, and the magnetic field must be homogeneous within the imaging volume in order to obtain uniform fat suppression within the field of view. Variation of the regional magnetic field surrounding metallic devices or debris creates an inhomogeneous magnetic field, with resultant areas of suboptimal fat saturation [32]. Short inversion time inversion recovery (STIR) imaging is an effective alternative method of fat signal suppression and is less dependent on the homogeneity of the main magnetic field . The major disadvantage in STIR sequencing is decreased signal-to-noise ratio, resulting in a grainy appearance to the final images with loss of tissue signal resolution 

An additional technique, view angle tilting, has been advocated more recently to decrease metallic artifacts [35, 36]. It technically involves application of a “compensatory gradient” during imaging acquisitions, correcting for inhomogeneous perturbations in the local magnetic field in the vicinity of a metallic device. It should be used in conjunction with increased receiver bandwidth, readout gradient strength, and reduced voxel size. View angle tilting results in image blurring across the entire imaging field of view, which must be partially compensated for by imaging parameter alterations (increases in the phase and frequency encoding gradients). The major drawback of this new MRI sequence is a resultant low image signal-to-noise ratio, although this has been shown not to compromise overall image interpretation [16, 35, 36].

There is an additional MRI method, single-point imaging (SPI). SPI is immune to the susceptibility artifacts observed with conventional MRI, which require several milliseconds for signal preparation and acquisition, failing to image metal materials because signal from these systems vanishes before it can be recorded completely. In SPI methods, this problem is solved by acquiring only one point of the free induction decay as soon as possible after excitation. SPI requires large gradient amplitudes and long scanning times; these problems are being addressed with good results [2, 16].

Sequence parameters
Slice thickness variations may be complex and account for significant signal loss and image distortion, particularly adjacent to metal devices with a complex three-dimensional geometry [26]. For imaging in the vicinity of a metal device, slice thickness should be minimized as much as possible because small voxel size in MRI in the vicinity of metal increases image quality. Small voxel size increases the spatial definition of metal-induced artifacts, reducing the apparent size of signal void present [4, 24, 25, 37]. As mentioned previously, smaller voxel size additionally may help decrease the degree of diffusion-related signal loss [16, 23, 24]. Voxel size may also be reduced without increasing examination time by increasing the number of frequency encoding steps used. Decreasing voxel size through this method is associated, however, with a tradeoff of progressive loss of image signal-to-noise ratio, which may require a compensatory increase in the number of excitations with associated increased imaging time.

Clinical applications of high-field strength MRI of evaluation of instrumented spine
Instrumented postero-lateral, or less frequently anterior, spinal fusion was performed with pedicular screws, longitudinal bars and cages to treat degenerative pathology (ostheoarthritis, spondylolisthesis, disc herniations, spinal stenosis), fractures, or severe scoliosis.

The major complications imaged are prosthesis loosening, periprosthetic fracture, and infection. Other complications that can be investigated by MRI include heterotopic ossification and prosthetic fracture. Adjacent or surrounding structures can also be evaluated, with common pathologies such as avascular necrosis, tumor recurrence, and internal derangement of joints potentially identified.

Prosthesis loosening shows fluid collections in the setting of mechanical loosening that had low T1 signal intensity and high T2 signal intensity surrounding the femoral stem with no enhancement. MRI findings of small particle disease consist of focal periprosthetic intraosseous masses. These masses are intermediate signal on proton density sequences [15]; low signal intensity on T1 sequences; and heterogeneous, predominately low to intermediate signal intensity, on T2 sequences with rim enhancement (occasional internal enhancement also can be seen) [23]. Pyogenic infection shows fluid signal on T1 and T2, peripheral rim enhancement, and surrounding edema (high T2 signal within adjacent tissues). Heterotopic ossification on MRI is visualized as areas or masses with well-circumscribed hypointense cortices and internal adipose signal intensity.

MR Imaging Protocol of the Diffusion Tensor Imaging of the Pediatric Spinal Cord at 1.5T

The MR imaging protocol consisted of an initial T2-weighted sagittal scan of the entire spinal cord. The sagittal images were used to prescribe axial sections of the spinal cord. Next, conventional axial T2-weighted scans were obtained on controls and children with SCI. Finally, DTI images were obtained in the same anatomic location prescribed for the T2-weighted images. The MR imaging parameters for the axial fast spin-echo T2-weighted imaging were as follows: TR = 3500 ms, TE = 124 ms, FOV = 240 mm, 256 × 256, and 2 acquisitions. All the scanning was performed by using a 1.5T Signa scanner (GE Healthcare, Milwaukee, Wisconsin). 

DTI was performed by using a single-shot echo-planar diffusion-weighted imaging sequence. The scanner is equipped with a 33-mT/m gradient amplitude with a gradient rise time of 276 μs, which is extremely useful for physiologic imaging like DTI. A standard 8-channel phased-array coil was used for scanning. To determine the diffusion tensor fully, we obtained diffusion-weighted images along 6 different directions with a b-value of 700 s/mm2 as well as an image acquired without diffusion weighting (b = 0 s/mm2). A slab of DTI acquisition consisted of twenty-three 3-mm axial sections with no intersection gaps. In controls, 2 slabs of DTI images were acquired to cover the entire cervical spinal cord (C1-C7). In subjects with SCI, 1 slab of DTI images was acquired with the most central section (section 12) placed in the middle of the injury (2 vertebral bodies above and below the injury based on T2 images and confirmed by a neuroradiologist). This was done to reduce patient discomfort by reducing the overall imaging time spent inside the scanner. Other imaging parameters included the following: TR = 6000 ms, TE = 60 ms, FOV = 240 mm, 128 × 128, and 4 acquisitions. The total imaging time to collect 1 slab of DTI images was approximately 8 minutes. Sedation and/or anesthetic was not administered to the subjects in this study. To test reproducibility of the DTI scans, we brought the patients back within a mean of 34.3 days to the MR imaging center and scanned them a second time. During the second visit, care was taken to position the subjects in the MR imaging scanner in the same anatomic location as those in the first visit. This was performed with the aid of the sagittal image from the first scan for controls and subjects with SCI as well as placement of the first section location at the superior margin of the dens of the C1 vertebral body for controls.

Intrathecal gadolinium­ enhanced MR myelography

MRI provides excellent depiction of the anatomic structures and most pathologic abnormalities within the spine. However, several pathologic states require specific evaluation of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and its function. For example, evaluation of possible CSF obstruction or leak, and cystic masses in the intr
adural and paradural spaces require evaluation of surrounding CSF hemodynamics. Traditionally these questions have been addressed with myelography using iodinated contrast agent and either standard radiography or CT.
In general gadopentatate dimeglumine (GD) has been shown to be a safe contrast agent for MRI. 8,9 Although adverse reactions to intravenous GD administration have been described, the majority of these are transient and minor; typically nausea, vomiting, headache, or dizziness, with an extremely low reported incidence (0.2% to 0.42%). 8,9
While intrathecal injection of GD is not FDA approved, several animal studies have been reported 10-12 and recently Zeng et al 13 published a pilot study describing this technique in humans. In addition, Krumina et al 14 report a series in which 52 patients underwent intrathecal-GD-enhanced MR myelography without significant adverse reaction and excellent depiction of spinal pathology. Using a standard lumbar puncture technique, 0.2 to 1 cc of GD was infused into the subarachnoid space after being mixed with 3 to 5 cc of CSF or normal saline. MRI was then performed, including T1-weighted sequences, resulting in excellent depiction of several pathologic abnormalities such as spinal stenosis, herniated disks, vascular malformations, CSF leaks, and paraspinal masses (figure 1). There were no serious adverse reactions in this series and the incidence of nausea, vomiting, and headache was similar to standard myelography.
The advantage of this procedure is its ability to marry the excellent anatomic resolution of MRI with the functional evaluation of the CSF provided by myelography and therefore combine two commonly utilized imaging procedures into one. While long-term safety data has not been collected, preliminary data suggests that this new imaging technique is safe in humans, with an adverse reaction rate similar to standard myelography. 14 Since a lumbar puncture is a relatively simple and commonly performed procedure, the imaging advantages of this technique are gained with little or no need of added procedure expertise, making this a technique that could be easily integrated into any radiology practice.
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