MRI scan, safe on patients with implanted cardiac devices: study

Patients with implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) and/or cardiac pacemakers should no longer worry going for MR imaging, for various medical conditions that they have: a study report
The study overruled following concerns: movement of device inside the body (due to MRI electromagnetic radiation/waves); device heating up, and affecting/burning tissues; device malfunctioning etc.!
 Defibrillators help to restore normal rhythm of the heart, during fibrillation of heart muscles; on the other, the battery-powered cardiac pacemaker, embed under skin provides normal heartbeat (timed electrical pulses) stimulating the muscle, during specific heart conditions.With specific procedures require to be followed – patients with newly implanted cardiac devices can definitely undergo MR imaging (securely), for cancer and other disorders/irregularities. (Courtesy: Johns Hopkins University)
For specific MRI procedures – pacemakers produced in 1999 (or later), and defibrillator in 2000 (or later), with cardiologist and other skilled professionals to program the device, to make it MRI-safe, and observe the heart rhythm during the scan, will do!
Of various patients (with implanted cardiac devices – either cardiac pacemaker or defibrillator) that were studied by, no significant issues were reported after they have had MRI done (except for less than 1% of subjects).
Researchers did both during MRI examination: turned the device off, and turned down the sensitivity of the equipment to electromagnetic fields; study authors found the device being set again (reset to default settings), and/but this did not cause harm to any of the patients with implanted cardiac devices that were scanned through.
No patient was required cardiac device replacement, as the devices were re-programmed after the process (MRI) was successfully done on all of them.
Experts say, during an MRI, the study required skilled nurse and Electro-physiologists to tackle any emergency, and due to extra resources required for it, not all care facilities would be able to manage the process (MR imaging) on patients with implanted cardiac devices.
Heart devices compatible with MRI (nowadays) are widely available from various manufacturers; stay tuned with MedicExchange for details about companies/vendors with MRI-safe cardiac devices, and other related!

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